We made an appointment with a new OB. The soonest we could get in was 7/20 so our RE told us to come in today for an ultrasound just to make sure everything was still okay. We really love our ultrasound lady but some how I have never managed to catch her name, so ultrasound lady it is. She said she was going to check the ovaries first but she just so happened to swing by the ol' uterus and Baby C was there chillin'! A quick pause to see a heart beat and a sigh of relief for J and I. Then, she checked the ovaries and all looked fine there so we swung back by Baby C's place for another look. The baby was noticeably bigger than last time. Last time the little one measured 8 mm and this time the growing bean was 22mm! (25mm is an inch!) The little heart was still flickering away so we listenend and the ultrasound lady measured the heart beat, last time was 149 bpm and this time was 182 bpm. We were all amused when the baby made a little wiggle. So cute. On the image to the left, the head is to the left, you can barely make out two arm buds and two leg buds and a tale that dimenishes every day.
The ultrasound lady noticed another small sack, thin and long kind of contouring the left side of the uterus. She said it was filled with fluid and that she see's this a lot. She made a note for Dr. O who we met with next. He said that he wanted to give me one injection of medication for Rh, you can find out more about Rh here. Dr. O said the medication was very safe and is only a single dose. Since I haven't experienced any bleeding there are no red flags or scary time frames in which I must take this medication. Crystal, my nurse, just called and said she was going to have it overnighted and to bring in the vial as soon as I receive it so they could administer the injection. It was great to see our little star today and I can't wait for 7/20 to get here so we can see more growth and perhaps an actual baby shape instead of a um...arrowhead or a turtle? I kid.
Some more good news, I get to stop taking my Progesterone in Oil injections on July 7th! And I have a girls weekend coming up! We're headed to Buffalo, MI! I've never been there but couldn't be more excited to escape with my old sorority sisters Kristen, Anna and Denise! I am so looking forward to this! Aug 13-15, perfect timing!
One thing I have been worried about...my asthma lately as I have found that since becoming pregnant I have been getting winded a lot more easily. I researched a little on this and found that this is normal as your heart rate has increased due to the need to pump blood to another human being. The last couple of days I have been wheezing. I've had asthma all my life and am used to taking my rescue inhaler but it's a category C which doesn't please me so where i would normally go right for it to relieve the tightness in my chest I do try and wait it out a little now. My Dr. assured me today that it is fine to take this inhaler and I trust her. I know that air is essential just as much for the baby as it is for me so that's why Doctors say to use the inhaler-it's better than the alternatives. Dr. O said today that he thinks it's fine and that a Category C isn't the end of the world.
On other fronts-ACNE. That evil biyotch is back and with an attitude. My left cheek is completely broken out and with really sore acne. I feel like a teen going through puberty. I thought the medicine I've been on would have caused the worse of it but it has really multiplied over the last week. :( Oh well. I read that acne may indicate that we could be having a girl because of the increased level of hormones. They also say that women who crave fruit instead of meat will probably have a girl, if this were true I would for sure be having a girl because I can't stand the thought of meat! For lunch today after the ultrasound I had cheese enchiladas with bean sauce-plain tasting and meat free! I have to say I am getting bored with plain food but just can't stomach the alternative.
By the way! Show and tell! Look where Jamie parked the other day at Best Buy! He saw the sign and just pulled right in! It's starting to feel real.