Monday, September 28, 2009

New appointments, a much needed break and self improvement...

After meeting with our RE, Dr. Keller at Wash U a couple of weeks ago. Jamie and I decided to get a second...and third opinion. We are meeting with Dr. Silber at St. Lukes today and will meet with Dr. Ahlering in a couple of weeks. It's not just a second opinion we are seeking but someone we trust and feel comfortable with as well.

I am currently covered under my husbands insurance which does not cover infertility. Needless to say that after finding out the cost of IVF Jamie and I started exploring all options. It turns out that my company's insurance does cover some IVF. What that means exactly I don't know. So I will enroll in my company's insurance in November and wait for it to take effect in January before moving further in my journey.

In the mean time, I am going to work on myself...

I could continue clomid but since I am not responding, I have decided to take a much needed break from the clomid. I will keep taking metformin and my prenatal vitamins/folic acid. I can't understand putting my body and emotions through the ringer again for the fun of it. My jaw and chin has been covered in acne since starting clomid and I have had a couple *wink wink* mood swings on my husband.

In the mean time I will indulge myself with coffee this month which I have not been drinking for the last eight months, a glass of wine or two occasionally if I feel like it and I won't track my temperatures for at least this cycle. I am taking a break!

However, I will be working on myself in positive ways as well. I am going to eat better and exercise more. I am going to focus on doing good things for myself so that when we start IVF or whatever option we choose I will be ready mentally and physically.

Over the past eight months I have become more and more tied up with what my body is doing reproductive wise and neglecting to focus on food and exercise which is important to do. I have been tracking my temperatures, and all of the signs during my cycle but not tracking my food intake or exercise and quite frankly the stress of the infertility is catching up with me and I have gained between five and ten pounds in the the last eight months. I think PCOS makes things a little more difficult when trying to lose and keep weight off but PCOS is no excuse. I will lose weight regardless of it.

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