Wednesday, January 5, 2011

36 weeks!

How far along? 36 Weeks!!!!!!

Baby's size? About 20.7 inches and about 6 pounds (or that's what my weekly update says anyway)

Weight Gain? I'm guessing I have gained between 20-25 pounds so far.  I haven't weighed in a couple of weeks but pastries sound good all of a sudden and I'm loving cereal and milk.  I have noticed my face has widened and so has my nose!  Yilkth!

Sleep?  What's that?  Insomnia and back aches are my reality in bed.

Food? Pastries, Cereal and Milk.  Loving Milk above everything else though.  On my second gallon this week.

Best moment this week? The car seat was delivered last night and it's just so surreal to see what little Star will sit in.  I'm calling the fire department today to schedule install for the bases in both cars.

Movement? YES!  She is moving constantly.  I can really see her move when I look at my stomach.  I can feel it's getting tighter in there for her.  She is still so gentle when she moves.  I can't get over that.

Symptoms? Peeing constantly.  I never know I have to go that bad until I stand up and then look out!  Sometimes I swear I just make it to the bathroom.  I will sit at my desk for an hour and then stand up for a meeting and all of a sudden I've got to go which makes me late to my meeting having to stop by the ladies room first.

What I miss?  Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to?  Our ultrasound tomorrow.  An opportunity to see Star and to see if we can be expecting her sooner or later than the date they last gave us of Jan. 20.  I think the last measurement was a fluke, but we'll see.

Weekly Wisdom: "There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."  
— Leonard Cohen

Milestones: I think 36 weeks is a milestone in itself!

What I love: Daydreaming of Star.   Watching Jamie nest.  I swear he nests!

Emotions: Feeling great.

Projects: I decided that I wanted to make Star some blankets this weekend.  I am looking forward to going to the fabric store and selecting some fun fabrics and making her some special keepsakes.  I have a special place in my heart for blankets.  I have so many of them.  There is something about being snuggled up in them that makes me feel so good.  So, I want to make a few for our girl.


Mrs. Mama said...


Alex said...

36 weeks - wow, how did we get here? I think making Star some blankets sounds wonderful... You're one seriously amazing mama - and friend.