Thursday, December 31, 2009

HELP! All I see are $ signs and babies...

OK, so we had our financial meeting with Dr. A's office yesterday.  The costs were pretty much what I was expecting - approximately $15,000.00 a cycle for IVF.  So, right now I am trying to decide whether or not to buy one cycle up front or two for a better cost.  There is only a $1200.00 savings by buying two but we would have to fork over another $5000.00 to get the $1200.00 savings??????  I think we would rather just buy one and think positive than buy two and risk losing $5000.00 which could be spent on the baby (hopefully).  J has been in touch with our financial person and if all goes well we will be able to start our meds in February and have our transfer in March!  WOO HOO!  I am so excited.  It's finally coming to fruition.  I hope we are able to get our money in order fast so we can sign up for the March cycle, they say it's filling up fast!

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