Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Baby Karate

I was sleeping really well last night.  The house was quiet.  Wilson was in his corner on the floor.  Jamie was sound asleep after a late hockey game.  The only noise was the hum of the ceiling fan until... I yelled "OWE!!!!!" at 3:15 in the morning.  Don't worry, no one woke up.  I think I may have felt my first kick!  Like a big karate kick!  There's no other explanation for what I felt.  I was minding my own business, sleeping on my side, when things inside my belly made a drastic shift and a big kick was felt on my inside.  It hurt!  My little chiquita banana was kicking me!  I guess she is getting big now.  I tend to think of her still as a plum sized baby but I have to remind myself that she's long and strong now at 10.5 inches and 12 ounces!!

What's funny is that I had been thinking earlier in the day about my sister-in-law and when she felt her baby kick the first time.  My brother said they were driving in the car and all of a sudden she yelled "whoa!" which scared my brother because he thought they were in danger of being hit by another car or something.  Anyway, I have felt flutters for the last few weeks and wondered if feeling her kick would feel much stronger.  I couldn't understand my sister-in-law yelling "whoa!" in comparison to the flutters I have felt so far.  The flutters I have experienced were certainly nothing to yell about.  Now, I get it!


Di said...

Jellybean bounced my hand off my tummy the other day and I was amazed! Isn't it the coolest feeling in the world?

T said...

Oh what an amazing feeling that must have been!!

Abby said...

Congrats! What a great feeling! I love how you called it baby karate - cute!

Mama K said...

I felt it for the first time on the outside a few days ago! I just so happened to have my hand on my stomach while watching tv and "pow" there it was! I still can't wait for my husband to feel it as well. Hopefully soon!